Tuesday, November 23, 2010
~*~ No progress ~*~
This year is 2010. Had a post this year, but deleted it became I feel that I'm doing free advertisement for the online store.
In just 1 month's time, a new year begins, and it's time to review and reflect on what has been done this year. I'm still the same old me, yup.. no paper from me yet (boss is going to kill me soon), not much progress in my research. I wonder if I can graduate in my estimated time. Whenever people ask me when I'm going to graduate, I will tell them I hope to submit my thesis by end of next year. And if they will remember.. they will just ask again (for the sake of asking). In terms of my studies, work, and research, I'm a failure and basically still stands like where I am last year. Maybe I should quit and get a masters degree..
Very lazy to come here to type my post. Feeling very unmotivated (in everything).
[*-Bubu leaves a print of thoughts 'n' feelings-*] | 8:13 PM
Friday, December 25, 2009
~*~ Don't come near me, I'll... ~*~
Ahhhh... Chooooo...SNEEZE!
It's Christmas day today and sadly after returning from my stayover at LL's place, I fell ill. Oops.. having itchy nose, running nose..
I have enjoyed my X'mas eve girls' night out. LL's place is our fav stayover venue. Felt loved during this season~ Participants: LiLing, MiaoLing, SiHui, Ivy & me. Ivy says that I'm the 1st (real) friend to sit in the car drove by her. So honoured!! Yeah! SiHui was my "secret" santa. She's so smart to give me chocolates! Royce somemore loh.. I love 'em a lot. haha, cos I complained to her that I was looking at looking at a X'mas exchange gift received 3 years ago.. haha~ She had also spent a lot of time and effort in the creating of my wedding video. The songs, the tatty teddy graphics, the edited clips, the animation,... very professional. I seriously think she did a much better job than the video/photo montages I saw during wedding banquets. Thumbs up. Ivy and MiaoLing were very interesting.. Ivy bought and put on cucumber eye masks on us (really printed cucumber loh) and MiaoLing gave each of us a Faceshop facial mask.
Happy shalala.. but got to try to have more rest tonight to make my body well again.
Happy Christmas everybodee!!
[*-Bubu leaves a print of thoughts 'n' feelings-*] | 9:47 PM
Sunday, December 20, 2009
~*~ Tracing footsteps ~*~
Browse thru' my E66 phone and saw some photos..
At NUS, waiting for my sister to finish lab. We are going to the dentist after that.

My lunch yesterday. Japanese noodles with egg and cheese ($4) at Taka. My favourite!!

My breakfast today. Made by Dennis using a specialised half-boiled egg container. Quite cooked actually. Next time should put less water to make the egg more runny.

One fateful Saturday which I reached school at 7.20am to be in time for my subsequent experiments, Dennis came to school later to keep me company. He brought our mini jigsaw puzzle along. Haha, I need to wait for my stuff to cool down and dry so at the meantime, we kept ourselves busy. The duo managed to complete in 2 hours. The pieces were very small that it was very hard to be handled by our fingers, we need tweetzers.. haha..

Marche @313 (1st day of operation)
Photos taken before the very fierce "stall"-lady shouted at us and forbid photo-taking.
Food not that fantastic.. The lady at savoury crepes cannot make it. Rosti burnt. When we go and get our food (but Dennis left his bag at the seat), the silly waitress kept flipping the table display to show that the table is free. They don't sell the pork knuckles!
After thoughts: I prefer vivocity's Marche.

[*-Bubu leaves a print of thoughts 'n' feelings-*] | 11:48 AM
Saturday, December 19, 2009
~*~ 1998- 我的心田 ~*~
Just made a discovery of my Chinese assignment many years ago. It was done when I was in Secondary 2. Found the first draft of the A5-size book which I was supposed to compile in 6 essays, 2 book reading reports, and 2 newspaper article review. I remembered doing this assignment during a school holiday period, either in June or December, and I had spent a lot of effort in designing my little book by choosing my Chinese character fonts appropriately and making the use of nice clip art graphics. I used to be very proud of this book of mine, though there are many errors (wrong Chinese character word used) and massive use of cliches and idioms.
After reading a few of the essays, it brought me back to the days (primary school to secondary school) when we need to do composition/essay-writings. We did not have much life experience and we need to have imaginary friends, fictitious events, and exagerated descriptions to spice up our essays to get more marks. Haha, it's pretty interesting. Maybe I will scan and upload a few of the writings from this little book and give my feedback.
[*-Bubu leaves a print of thoughts 'n' feelings-*] | 10:36 AM
Friday, December 18, 2009
~*~ Happy Day in School and Shopping after School ~*~
Managed to do REAL lab work in the afternoon today. Was rushing in making of pellets and scanning my samples, but truly felt very happy to be busy and doing REAL work. Weighing powders was a boring and patience-testing task. Did weighing for one hour plus prior to making of pellets. Not easy to get 1mg (0.001g) when there were so many people walking pass the weighing balance and causing vibrations (balance becomes unstable).
Dennis and I finally walk to the grassy top of the School of Arts, Media & Design. The air smells fresher and cooler there. The breeze was amazing shiok. We were not the lone 2 souls up there, there were others coming after us. Dennis was cute to suggesting picnic at the top of the building on the grass. Our food was FRUITS!! Luckily, my camera could still capture a few photos of the grassy view. NICE~
We went shopping today. Dennis is deployed to do teaching first, so he needs working clothes. Buying guy's attire is being straightforward. Tops are usually solid colour, stripes, checkers or dots. Bottoms are trousers with variation in colours, textures, and stripes. Jurong point is super crowded today. Probably it's due to x'mas frenzy. We are happy with our buys coz it's sale items with further reductions in price and we got a free towel without knowing that we are entitled for one. Wahaha~
Dennis finally get to eat his special fish burger. He said that he taste better than the teriyaki chicken burger. It was so delicious that I do not have the chance to test-taste it. I'm contented with my MOS chicken!! The corn soup took such a long long time to be ready. It then became our hot desert.
Little updates about our flat and our after-ROM lives
Went for 1st appointment with HDB, exhausted our CFF o' savings, depleted our joint account savings (cash upfront + agent's commission). Handover of key (aka 2nd appointment) to be taking place just before V'day 2010. However, we won't be getting our flat yet cos we need to give the sellers some leeway time to evacuate the flat. Will be in an awkward situation whereby WE are the true owners but the occupiers are the previous owners. My cousin agent said that it's a norm and we can't really do anything about it. I just feel that in this case, buyers are the ones on the losing end. WE should be more clear next time in our purchase, like negotiating rent. Just have to pray hard that the previous owners do not do something funny (like borrowing money from you-know-who). I have got their IC numbers! So if they do anything funny, I will report them to the police with their IC numbers!!! If everything goes smoothly, the flat will be ready by May.
We are staying apart after ROM-ing and will still be staying apart after we get the flat. My "in-laws" will be shifting into the flat while I'll still be staying with my family. I really need time to adjust to "new" lifestyle to settling down with the in-laws. Afterall, we have not gone through the traditional wedding part yet so mentally still not considered married. What's important now is to save up enough to refurnish the flat.
Taken @ someone's place. House-viewing in August of a 4-room flat. Bad fengshui.. haha~
[*-Bubu leaves a print of thoughts 'n' feelings-*] | 9:54 PM
Sunday, December 13, 2009
~*~ Not excited at all ~*~
Going down to HDB office tomorrow for 1st appointment and not feeling any excitement.
A lot of fear factor adding on to me. We have the money to pay tomorrow but for our renovations of the house, we are squeezed dry le. Guess that things are going to stay as it is. No money and no heart do do anything to decorate it. Not my house other than it has my name tied to it.
Today is 2 months after we sign the marriage cert. No meet-ups, no celebration.
Feeling very down actually.
[*-Bubu leaves a print of thoughts 'n' feelings-*] | 5:20 PM
Saturday, December 12, 2009
~*~ What's the purpose of X'mas gift exchange? ~*~
So far, I'm gonna have 4 gift exchanges in the name of Christmas. I don't really celebrate X'mas but I truly believe that it's a season of giving. However, I don't really understand why should we have gift exchange when most of the time, I get things that I don't use or need. In the end I chuck them aside and they were left to collect dust or decay with time. I don't remember what are the past presents I had bought.
With 4 x ~$20 = ~$80.. Can't believe that I'm going to spend $80 on gifts which may be junk to the recipients.
Giving comes from the heart and not some kind of obligation. I do remember giving little pressies to my friends (for no reason but just feel like it) and still remember what I have given.
Just penning down how I feel and there is no need to feel the same way. Wahaha~
My new year's wishes so far (for 2010)
Have pay rise
Get fat bonus
Good health (no LS, no cough!)
Accept the reality of being married
[*-Bubu leaves a print of thoughts 'n' feelings-*] | 12:02 AM